Southern Dental Implant Center

All-on-4 Dental Implants Aftercare: How to Achieve a Smooth Recovery

Jul 31, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Dr. Collier
Tagged with: All On 4 Dental Implants

All-on-4® dental implants provide patients who are missing an entire arch of teeth the opportunity to quickly and affordably restore their smiles. This innovative implant system can support a full arch denture with four strategically placed implants. Knowing ahead of time what the procedure involves both during and afterwards will eliminate any surprises and provide peace of mind.

After your implants are placed, it’s important to follow your post-surgical instructions carefully in order to minimize complications. Patients who follow the dentist’s instructions are more likely to achieve a smooth recovery and long-lasting results.

At Southern Dental Implant Center in Memphis, TN, Dr. James S. Collier will meet with you during a private consultation to explain the procedure in dental, answer any questions you have, and discuss what the All-on-4® dental implants aftercare process entails.

Maintain Oral Hygiene

Following proper oral hygiene and keeping your mouth clean is the first and most important step to minimizing your risk of infection. The day after surgery, you will be encouraged to brush your teeth after each meal. Be sure to use gentle techniques so as not to dislodge the surgical site and implant placement. If your restorative device is placed the same day as your implants, use a dental waterpik to prevent food from getting trapped under the denture and around the implants. Dr. Collier may also advise you on a special mouthwash to help aid in your recovery and oral health maintenance.

Minimize Discomfort and Swelling

As with any surgery, it is not uncommon to experience some soreness and swelling for the first few days after surgery. To minimize discomfort, you can take over-the-counter pain medications. We also recommend placing an ice pack on your outer jaw in 20-minute intervals.

If light bleeding occurs, this is completely normal. Placing gauze over the area and biting down for 30 minutes will slow bleeding and allow a blood clot to form. If bleeding persists past the first few days and is followed by increased pain and fever, it’s important to contact your doctor, as this may be the beginning signs of infection.

Rest and Hydrate

Resting and keeping your head elevated for the first two to three days will significantly improve your chances for a smooth recovery. We also encourage patients to drink plenty of fluids. Participating in strenuous activity too soon can cause complications, such as infection and dental implant failure. Be sure to follow your post-surgical instructions diligently on activities to avoid. Most patients can return to normal activity three days after surgery.

Follow a Softs Food Diet

In addition to staying hydrated, there are certain foods to avoid and consume that will assist you in your recovery. For the first four to six weeks, you will be encouraged to avoid hot, spicy, and difficult-to-eat foods so as to prevent irritation and dental implant dislodgement, as well as to follow a soft foods diet. Your diet can include:

Contact Our Office Today

If you are interested in learning more about All-on-4® dental implants and how they can personally benefit you, contact our office today online to schedule your consultation. As a skilled and experienced cosmetic dentist, Dr. Collier is committed to helping patients achieve the smile of their dreams.