Southern Dental Implant Center

All-on-4 Surgery Side Effects: How to Achieve a Smooth Recovery

Jun 12, 2017 @ 12:50 PM — by Dr. Collier
Tagged with: All On 4 Dental Implants

All-on-4® dental implants provide patients who may not ordinarily qualify for dental implants with the opportunity to receive a customized implant-supported restoration to replace missing teeth. This dental implant system can support a restoration with just four strategically placed dental implants. Because of the shape and location of the implants, the technique provides a durable and lasting hold.

Dr. Jason Collier provides All-on-4® dental implants at Southern Dental Implant Center in Memphis, TN. During your consultation, he will explain the dental implant procedure in detail, as well as review any risks involved. All-on-4® surgery side effects are minimal, and with his direction, Dr. Collier will ensure you achieve a smooth recovery.

What to Expect after Surgery

After your dental implant procedure, Dr. Collier and the staff will monitor your recovery before releasing you to go home. Depending on the anesthesia involved, you may need to have someone available to drive you home. Our highly trained staff will provide you with a list of post-surgical instructions to assist you in achieving a smooth recovery. These instructions include:

What Are the Side Effects?

Patients who follow their post-surgical instructions diligently are more likely to achieve a successful dental implant recovery and greatly reduce their risk for complications. As with any type of surgery, there are always a few side effects. Knowing what they are and how to manage them in advance can provide peace of mind and clarity when they arise.


Although dental implants can often be placed under local anesthesia, for patients who require stronger sedation, such as an oral sedative, they may feel groggy and fatigued for the first 24 hours. This is completely normal. After your loved one drives you home, the key to reducing the effects is immediately resting.


As with any surgery, there will be some bleeding involved. Most can be contained by applying pressure to the surgical site with gauze. To prevent infection from developing, we recommend changing out the gauze every couple of hours or once it has completely soaked through. In most cases, bleeding will dissipate within 24 hours. If bleeding persists past the first day, please contact our office immediately.

Pain and Discomfort

It is normal to feel some pain for the first few days after surgery. However, taking your medications as directed will help minimize any discomfort. You will be prescribed an antibiotic to prevent infection from developing, as well as an anti-inflammatory to control swelling. In addition, you will be encouraged to maintain a soft food diet to avoid disrupting your implants and causing further discomfort.

Swelling and Bruising

You will experience some swelling and bruising after surgery. The degree to which you experience it will depend on how your body responds to surgery. Each patient is different. Taking your medications, keeping your head elevated, and applying cool compresses to your outer jaw will help reduce swelling and bruising. Most swelling and bruising will subside after the first week.

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in learning more about the dental implants Southern Dental Implant Center provides, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Collier. Even if you have been told in the past that you are not a good candidate for dental implants, All-on-4® dental implants may be a good solution for you. Contact our office today online or by calling (901) 756-0078 to schedule your consultation.