Southern Dental Implant Center

Dental Implants Memphis Surgery Recovery

May 4, 2012 @ 09:17 AM — by Dr. Collier
Tagged with: Dental Implants

Dental implants are an ideal treatment for the replacement of missing teeth. When youre missing a tooth or several teeth, it can have a major impact on your ability to chew, your oral health, and your self-confidence about your smile, so its important to visit a skilled Memphis cosmetic dentist for treatment.At Southern Dental Implant Center, we strive to provide attentive and compassionate dental care. Our implant dentist, Dr. Jason S. Collier, is highly trained and experienced in providing dental implants with superior aesthetic results. Before choosing to undergo this surgical procedure, its essential that patients understand what a dental implant is, and what to expect during recovery.

About Dental Implants

When a tooth is missing, a dental implant can be surgically placed in the jawbone, where it functions as an artificial tooth root. A natural-looking replacement tooth, dental bridge, or denture can then be attached securely to the implant, restoring the appearance of your smile and the function of your mouth. Dental implants also prevent additional oral bone loss that typically occurs when teeth are missing. A dental implant is made of high-quality titanium, a biocompatible material, ensuring that a dental implant can last for a lifetime with proper care.

About Dental Implant Surgery

During dental implant surgery, Dr. Collier makes a small incision in the gum so that a titanium dental implant rod can be precisely inserted into the existing structures of the mouth. Once the implant is in place, the gum is stitched shut for healing, and a temporary dental restoration, usually a bridge or denture, will be used to cover the newly treated area. To ensure your comfort during the procedure, we offer both IV and oral conscious sedation. No matter which type of conscious sedation you choose, youll feel relaxed and secure during your treatment, but youll remain fully awake.

About Dental Implant Recovery

Following surgery, most of our Memphis dental implants patients require only minor pain relief, achieved with common medications like ibuprofen. Patients should be able to return to normal activities within a day of surgery. As your mouth heals, the jawbone and tissues fuse with the dental implant through a process called osseointegration; this usually takes three to six months. When osseointegration is complete, your dental implant will be extremely strong and durable. After your dental implant procedure, Dr. Collier will give you detailed instructions on how to care for your mouth as you recover. Here are some tips that can aid in the healing process:

Same Day Teeth (Immediate Dental Implants)

In some cases, we can restore your missing teeth and bypass the traditional months of healing required for dental implants. With Same Day Teeth, patients can receive their implant post and a stable, aesthetically pleasing replacement tooth on the same day.

Learn More about Southern Dental Implant Center

If youd like to schedule a consultation and learn more about our award-winning implant dentists, please contact our Memphis implant dentistry practice. Dr. Collier and our caring staff are looking forward to helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.